The Secrets of Pumping Torrents of Cold Hard Cash Into Your Account

Posted by INTERNET BUSINESS on Thursday, November 27, 2008

The absolute most effective way to make long-term profits online is through having your own email list. Many marketers have used email marketing to create long-lasting profits just by sending out a few emails a month and generating leads on a daily basis. What happens when you build a list is that hopefully you build a list of like-minded people with similar interests so you can keep in contact with them. Build a relationship with them and then they will buy your products.

So what are the secrets to pumping torrents of cold hard cash into your account from email promotions? Here, I believe, are the two biggest secrets to pulling in unstoppable cash:

1. Offer amazing value with all of your products, including your free products and your paid products. These include your free reports, free videos, and the like. My philosophy is this - if someone will not be willing to actually pay for your free product, then it is not good enough. You have to provide amazing value all the way to build up trust with your subscriber base before they will consider buying from you.

2. Send out emails often to your list. It is one of the top email marketers' secrets that the more you send out to your list, the more responsive it will become. If you email your list only once or twice a month, don't expect to pull in a staggering income! Email your list at least once a week, or preferably twice a week to maintain responsiveness.

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Blog, Updated at: 6:36 AM


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